Saturday, May 28, 2016

Serendipitous Saturday


Isn't that a wonderful word? 

I love the way it just rolls off the tongue.

That's what I wish for you today---- a totally serendipitous Saturday.

Serendipitous means "occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way." 

Here's what one "old crow" has to say, perhaps to another:

 All of us have just today, even just this moment.  

No matter what is happening in our lives, good or bad, we can make this very moment  count.

Also, like this giant birch tree seems to be doing, I send you this serendipitous sign of peace!



diane.stetson said...

You can make this moment count by thanking the good Lord for everything you have...another day of life...another opportunity...all the blessings of life...peace, love and happiness.

Chatty Crone said...

I agree with Diane!!!!!!! And you. If you stare at the water long enough you can almost see it move!!!!!!!!!

Kit said...

I love my symbol of peace! I talked to my hubby about your glass pieces falling off, and it has us stumped. All my birdbaths and windows have weathered rain, snow and sun and never have lost any pieces. We use Silicone adhesive. Sorry to hear about your problems. Kit

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Anyone who lives in relative peace, must surely give thanks as there are so many who live in fear and chaos every day. We should all be in awe of what Mother Nature provides us each and every day. So much to be thankful for. Each moment to be cherished.

Linda O'Connell said...

A prayer of thanks and a smile to give away...that's how I start my day.

marianne said...

Slow down. Sit down. Breathe. Be thankful. Moment savored.


Love the word too. Just BREATHe it all in and let the negative energy go. PEACE.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your post is just what I needed today. Thank you, dear Susan.

I wanted to tell you that Yes, I did eat lots of food at the Greek Festival. They had so many yummy dishes. One of my favorites is the Greek lasagna, and I also had some of my son's spinach pastry, a string bean dish, and my main dish was baked chicken. Then off to the dessert booths for baklava and those scrumptious powdered sugar cookies. :)

I hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend.

love, ~Sheri

Barbara Neubeck said...

... lovely post Susan..... it's a great word...
I like to give thanks to God every day, for every day.....
..hugs... Barb xxxx

Unknown said...

Susan - this is a wonderful post. Live in the moment, I say!

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