Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bridal Veil or Bridal Wreath. So Pretty.

Bridal veil (also called bridal wreath) spirea is an enchanting bush.

It's quite short-lived but while it's in bloom, it's a beauty.

Honestly, the bush in our front yard seemed to bloom overnight.

One morning, after opening the front door, there it was-----a glorious bush
filled with hundreds of bridal veil blooms!

It has a little bit of fragrance but not much. However, it's gorgeous to look at.

Now all we need is a bride!  ha!



Chatty Crone said...

Yes and that was beautiful! So who can be the bride?

Linda O'Connell said...

we used to call them button bushes. They are pretty while they last. Have a great weekend.

diane.stetson said...

sure is a pretty bush...enjoy it!

marianne said...

I believe there were 2 Bridal Veil bushes on either side of the driveway of my childhood home. I have never planted one at my own home, but I see them around town. Yours looks so healthy and vigorous. It must like where it's planted; lucky for you!

Merlesworld said...

Yes I have seen it, it's very much like the May bush.


It's June brides are a-plenty. What a lovely plant this Bridal Veil.

Susan said...

These bushes are glorious looking. I don't have one here, but have had them in other homes, XOXO

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous - what a feast for the eyes!

Red Rose Alley said...

Isn't this a lovely Bridal Veil bush? It's perfect for Jess, as she'll be a bride very soon. :)


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