Sunday, June 26, 2016

Tranquil Sunday

Despite all the awful things going on in the world, there is still beauty all around us.

Step into any church and one may find gorgeous stained glass windows, statues and other symbols of peace and love.

The one shown at the top of the post is in a Zion Lutheran Church in western Massachusetts.

It is possible to find tranquility in the midst of chaos because it begins with our thinking as well as what is in our hearts.

It is my heartfelt hope that today you will find tranquility and joy in the mundane.



Chatty Crone said...

I can answer that easily - I think it is my home - when everyone is getting along. Harmony. Happy Sunday.

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. tranquillity and harmony for me is when I have ticked off the things I need to do while mentally chatting to God .... beds made, washing up done, bathroom clean , house tidy etc....
Then I can cope/enjoy whatever the day may bring ...
...Hugs... Barb xxx

marianne said...

Knowing that my family is safe brings me peace of mind. Also, feeling grateful for all I have brings contentment and thus tranquility.

Hope you are feeling better...


"Finding tranquility in the midst of chaos is how we face the day." Lovely stained glass windows.

Linda O'Connell said...

Hope you have a peaceful week.

Linda O'Connell said...

Hope you have a peaceful week.

Sandi said...

" begins with our thinking as well as what is in our hearts."

Amen! So true.

Tranquility...the rest that comes from completing your part of the task.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful stained glass window, Susan. Tranquility is such a wonderful thing, and we all need it in our lives.

love, ~Sheri

SImple and Serene Living said...

Nothing more important for our mental health and well being than finding peace and tranquility. xo Laura

Karen Lange said...

Good question. I find peace at home, with family, and through my faith in God. It is a blessing to know that we are not alone on this journey.

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