Monday, October 17, 2016

A Trip to an Apple Orchard

 A trip to an apple orchard is one sure sign that it's fall.

We make this excursion every season and this year, we actually went apple-picking instead of buying them already picked.

The trees seem to go on and on forever. 

I imagine all the tremendous work that goes into maintaining them.

We drove to Lakeside Orchard in Lanesboro in Western Massachusetts.

Crisp fall air, bright sunshine and the promise of applesauce and pies to be made were all present. 

The laughter and enthusiasm of little ones make such excursions even more fun.

I found out that Honey Crisp apples are a new-to-me favorite.

Each bite is like chomping into a honeycomb, minus the bees.



Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I am going to a place called Apple Hill real soon, and it has everything apples. Yes, apples are a sure sign of Fall. I think the red Washington apples are my favorite.


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

We've picked apples in Jordan before. So fresh and delicious straight from the tree. My favorite to buy are pink lady and gala. My Albany boy would always complain that I only buy red apples -- he loves granny smiths.

Gina @ VictorianWannaBe said...

Hi Susan, what a great apple orchard! Apple Cider and applebutter are my favorites for Fall. I get them at Aldi though. Honey Crisp are so good, they remind me of a sweet pear though.
Have a great day!

Bookie said...

Oh I love Honey Crisp apples!!! Like you, a trip to orchard was right of passage for autumn every year. But it won't happen this year....have to just get a few locally.

diane.stetson said...

My friend Sandra used to have an apple tree and I loved to pick the apples from it. My Dad had a crab apple tree and those were tasty too. I love green apples the best ..anything that is tart. I do not care for sweet apples. I also like Macintosh too. I love anything made with apples. Yum Yum Yum

Sandi said...

Macintosh. When I was a kid we lived in Michigan and picked them each Fall.

Loved your photo! It brought back memories.

Susan said...

I love Ida Reds; great for pies and apple butter. Haven't gone yet this year, but maybe when I'm visiting my daughter we'll go. Love your photos, XOXO

Chatty Crone said...

I love Honey Crisps, Gala, and Pink Ladies - I like them on the sweeter side. Granny apples are too sour for me. Love this time of year.

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