Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Autumn Leaves....

Let's start out this post with a song.

"The autumn leaves, drift by my window, the autumn leaves, of red and gold...."

Remember the rest?  It's a hauntingly beautiful melody that grows more beautiful as the years go by.

"But I miss you most of all, my darling, when autumn leaves start to fall..." 

Oh, autumn truly is a glorious season.  

It touches the heart and squeezes the soul, doesn't it?

Shown in this post are photos taken on an excursion to a state forest.

The hilltop vistas make a little bit of heaven on earth. (And Lord knows we need it!)

No matter where one looks there is beauty!

Now if you know the song mentioned, you can hum it during the rest of today!

 "Since you went away, the days grow long.
And soon we'll hear, old winter's song..."



diane stetson said...

I love that song especially when played by Roger Williams. Beautiful pictures in this post Susan.

Chatty Crone said...

That deep orange and red - we really don't get a lot of down here - not sure why - but I remember them from Chicago.

Linda O'Connell said...

Yes, autumn makes me feel melancholy. But the natural beauty in fall is astounding.

Bookie said...

Yes, autumn can make me very melancholy but I fight to feel only colorful joy! Thank you for the birthday nice of you to remember!!!

SImple and Serene Living said...

I love that song, although it always makes me feel a bit melancholy. Your trees are beautiful. xo Laura

Kit said...

What lovely photos! I never feel sad, but I do feel cozy and warm. And very happy in the Fall. :) Kit

Alexis said...

Wonderful colors! The photos are stunning!

Red Rose Alley said...

These are lovely pictures of Autumn around your neck of the woods. I'm not familiar with this song. Yes, Autumn is a glorious season!

love, ~Sheri

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