Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Cat's Meow of a Floral Arrangement....

One of the last times my niece, her hubs, and her kitty stayed at our house, we had fun.

It's always a delight to see them.

Isn't it great to have house guests you enjoy and look forward to staying?

Well, a few days after they left, the doorbell rang.

I answered it and it was a man from a flower shop delivering flowers to me!

At first, I thought it was a mistake----maybe a wrong house number?

Nope, it was for me, meant as a "thank you" as well as a September birthday remembrance.

It was truly one of the absolutely most unique arrangements I'd ever seen in my whole life.

Made from yellow carnations was a perky little feline!

My niece said the kitty part of the flowers was in memory of my beloved 17 year old fur baby, Honey Cat, who died a couple of year ago. She knew how much I loved Honey Cat.

Here it is, almost a month later, and the bouquet is almost totally gone but with one exception-----the carnation kitty!

Now isn't that amazing?



Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness that flower was so creative - I would never have had been able to do that. I am not surprised you received flowers!

diane.stetson said...

I've never seen anything like it. Darling. I'm sure your niece loved staying at your B and B. You always make the most wonderful things and treat her so well. Thanks from me too.

Merlesworld said...

I have seen them done in fruit but not flowers.

Linda O'Connell said...

That was indeed one of the sweetest and unique arrangements. Your niece is so thoughtful.

krishna said...

The meow floral arrangement is so cute..

Please visit:

SImple and Serene Living said...

What a sweet and thoughtful gift. xo Laura

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

That's the great thing about carnations. They last a really, really long time. A sweet remembrance of Honey Cat.

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