Friday, July 7, 2017

Irresistible Iris

On my "to buy" list are iris bulbs. 

My father grew these and I miss having them in my own yard.

The lavender and deep purple ones are so appealing but having them in my favorite color, pink, would be awesome, too.

The yellow ones are perky and the white ones, dainty and pretty.

My father's iris were lavender.  

The other day, I drove by my childhood home and stopped in front to see if iris still grew where they did so many years ago.

They were gone. Perhaps dug up and discarded (or, hopefully, replanted in a different location.)

Irresistible iris, you touch my heart.



Linda said...

Yes, I have Iris in my garden, they are lovely and they bloomed in May.

Chatty Crone said...

No, I have not. I am surprised you don't already have them in your yard!
Have a good weekend! Sandie

Sandi said...

"The other day, I drove by my childhood home..."

What a blessing to be able to do that! Mine is a few states away.

I have never grown Irises. I hope yours bloom beautifully.

Linda O'Connell said...

We used to call them flags when we were kids. Flowers are amazing and can bring such peace just looking at them.

diane.stetson said...

My frond yard is filled with white ones...I LOVE them so much. They come up each year and are so so pretty.


the colors of the iris flowers you describe sound beautiful, for sure. sad the ones you remember were gone.

Kit said...

Yes, we have purple siberian iris that comes up in the spring. Such a lovely flower. :) Kit

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. Hello Susan .... I posted on my blog explaining why I've been missing from Blogland for a while ....
I love the colours of Iris flowers.. the purple ones you posted are gorgeous .. and no, I don't have any in my garden ....
It's great you have your fountain up and going again ..
Have a great day ... hugs. xxx Barb xxxxx

Red Rose Alley said...

That was nice that you drove by your childhood home. I bet it brought back a few sweet memories. I often drive by the house I grew up in. It's in the next town over. Someone bought the old house, but they have done some nice improvements. I'm sure the Iris will always make you think of your father, Susan. : )

love, ~Sheri

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