Monday, August 21, 2017

Unique Flea Market

One of the best parts of life is being able to learn something new every day.
When I read in the newspaper there was going to be a Phoenicia Flea (market) in a park in the small New England town of West Stockbridge, it sounded intriguing.

 Such markets are billed as being made up of "makers and merchants: from the Catskills, Hudson Valley and beyond."

Their website notes they are "a celebration of community, culture, small business and local trade."

Location of the market was the Turn Park Art Space. It was another place we'd never been and was quite picturesque.

The park we saw, which was the location of the flea market, had some very unique sculptures as well as natural lake, pretty wildflowers,  and a 65-foot vertical drop.

We had very delicious, strong iced coffees from Irving Farm Coffee Roasters of New York.

Jason, shown below, made them for us.

Paul Lowe was a vender there, too. He is founder of the wildly popular Sweet Paul Magazine!

If you are unfamiliar with the magazine, check it out. Your life may never again be the same.

In another post, we will show you some of the flowers of Turn Park Art Space as well as an impressive sculpture of Don Quijote, so, if interested, stay tuned.



diane.stetson said...

Oh such lovely pictures of nature at the flea market. Glad you had a good time there.

Chatty Crone said...

Looked very interesting Susan - I love flea markets.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a lovely place for a flea market, and that coffee booth sounds right up my alley. ; ) You always go to the most interesting places, Susan.



what an interesting backdrop for a flea market. charming for sure.

Linda O'Connell said...

I like your new profile picture. And I will stop at any yard sale I see, but especially like flea markets.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love flea markets and craft fairs. It is always so much fun to see new things!

Sandi said...

Ok, I read that as "photogenic flea..."

I need to put this device down and rest my eyes! :)

LOVE the rocking chairs in the wild!

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