Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Be Happy

Today, be happy.

Despite bad things happening throughout the world, we can choose to focus on what is good in our lives.

We can look for the smallest things to make us smile.

Angels, babies, birds, breakfast, chimes, coffee, flowers, grandkids, laughter, raindrops, and windchimes are just a few of life's precious gifts.

So today, choose to be happy!



diane stetson said...

Visiting with my four sisters

Red Rose Alley said...

All the things you mention here make me happy too, and I'll be a grandmother soon, so that makes me happy. Those birds are sweet, and I just love your angel. The flower is so unusual, looks like a porky pine haha. Thanks for the gentle reminder to be happy despite all the madness in the world.

love you, Susan.


Red Rose Alley said...

oooops, I misspelled porcupine. Haven't wrote it in a long while. Sometimes laughing at ourselves makes me happy haha. : )

Susan said...

Good still worries me that we might be headed to war! I remember my Dad telling us he fought in WWII so his children or grandchildren would never have to! I don't think we'll ever have a time as long as there are madmen around. However, I love your photos and for today, I will think happy thoughts, XOXO

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Waking up in the morning makes me happier. I carry my happy with me so it's always close. Visiting from Carol at Our Sears Kit Home, glad to be here.

Chatty Crone said...

Peace makes me happy - when everything goes right and everyone happy - just makes me feel good. I like your ideas too.

Sue said...

Beautiful treasures you have shared, So may things bring me happiness, family, friends, and treasures passed from loved ones. Thank you for sharing.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I am happy every time I arrive home to my cozy little apartment. xo Laura


love those sweet birds and that adorable angel too. brought a smile to my face.

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