When I heard there was a device to keep in a bird bath to prevent the water from freezing in winter, I bought one.

It's worked well for a couple of years now.
Hubs put it into the bird bath this week.
I love tending to the wild birds in all seasons, but especially in winter.
They seem to love the nut and berry seeds they are given to feast on.
If money were no object, I'd buy an additional birdbath, like the ones in this post.
They were spotted at Yankee Candle Village in South Deerfield, Massachusetts.
They were so bright and colorful, too.
Those bird baths are beautiful. My dear 82 year old aunt goes outdoors to change the water in her bird bath three times a day.
what charming birdbaths. love how colorful they are.
Oh those are so pretty...no I do not feed the birds as there are other not so nice creatures who eat the seeds instead and are a big nuisance.
Those are beautiful birdbaths - $$$ too! Sweet you look out for them. We do feed the birds - no water tho.
Susan, I have not been in nature much lately because it is so cold out, and I've really missed it. Your post has reminded me to step into nature soon. It brings us such peace. And Christmas time is a perfect time to do so. : )
love, ~Sheri
Hello Susan !
Thank you for this post. I love birds too. I'll look for bird baths in Poland.
Regards :)
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