Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hearts and Roses


 This is a nice holiday.

Who could argue with celebrating love?

Of course, every day should be Valentine's Day, right?

The world really does need more love.

For hubs, I bought a dozen of really pretty light orange-colored roses, put them in a heavy glass pitcher, and hid them in the dining room.

He went out early this morning and came home with a dozen deep red roses and baby's breath for me.

So now we have two bouquets of roses, one for the hall and one for the middle of the kitchen table!

And, oh yes, we have a lifetime of memories together. 

 We remain immensely grateful for all the millions of blessings we have received throughout our lives.

We actually got the best gift of love possible just yesterday, with the birth of our new granddaughter!  

She was our fifth and final grandchild and our hearts are literally overflowing with love.





Linda @ A La Carte said...

That is so sweet and a new Granddaughter also! I will celebrate with the two loves of my life, Tiger & Scout tonight. Dinner, candy and hugs!!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Congratulations on the new addition to your family. How wonderful. Happy Valentine's Day. xo Laura

diane.stetson said...

Since it is also Ash Wednesday I will go to Mass and get ashes . Also bringing all my Valentines to my grandkids afterwards. Have a great Valentines day with your hubby and two vases of roses.

Red Rose Alley said...

I'm so happy for you, Susan, a new grandbaby! And born close to Valentine's, Day, how special is that? Welcome to the world, little one. : )

love, ~Sheri

Chatty Crone said...

And you have a lifetime of love too! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Congrats grandma of five!

Kit said...

Congrats!!! What a wonderful holiday for you and yours. I love all your roses. :) Kit

Anonymous said...

Good symbol for the Valentine Day. Roses, heart shape dollars etc.
Nice to hear about the new arrival in a wonderful day:)


Sounds like you had a perfect Valentines Day. The roses were a charming touch.

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