Monday, February 5, 2018

Impromptu "Tea" for Two

Whenever a special little guest pays a visit to our house, she lobbies to set up a "tea" party.

Who cares if the "tea" is chocolate milk?

If it's served in beautiful Royal Prince Albert cups in the Old Country Roses pattern, with a mound of squirt cream on top, it's good to go.

Of course, with Valentine's Day around the corner, there is a heart-covered cloth on the kitchen table, heart-filled place mats, a large, round, red glass dish in the middle of the table and a stunning rose-covered mini tea set on top of that.

Good thing I looked on the bottom of the tea set before pouring"tea" into the pitcher. "

"Not for food use. May poison food" were the words clearly printed in gold, along with "Made in China."

That little tea set was definitely meant as a decoration, only, and was not to be used for a tea party. 

Now, I had never seen a warning as clear as that one printed on china but it certainly made me get out the Old Country Roses cups pretty fast.

The impromptu, stylish "tea" party helped make a few more memories on a gray winter's afternoon.



diane.stetson said...

In my house I only use mugs...large ones for my tea and when I serve coffee also. I'm sure your grandchild will love having a tea party. Have fun.

Linda O'Connell said...

Imagine the lifelong memories you are creating withthose tea parties, Susan.

Chatty Crone said...

I thought you were having your grandsons over.

Red Rose Alley said...

The old country rose pattern is so pretty. I'm actually sipping tea in a rose cup tonight too. I'm glad you didn't serve from the mini tea set. Your red heart table cloth is perfect for Valentine's Day. I hope you had a delightful tea party with that special little guest, Susan.

love, ~Sheri


your tea service is lovely. sounds like a delightful time with the little one.

Debbie said...

I have a beautiful saucer and tea cup that I actually picked up at a goodwill store for my tea. My coffee on the other hand goes in a mug.. and of those.. I have several favorites.

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