Saturday, August 18, 2018

A Field of Lovely Lilies?

Much of the time, it's so easy to overlook the beauty all around us.

Schedules get tight, time flies, and we race from moment to moment to accomplish our next task.

Coming out of the supermarket the other day, the late afternoon sun was lighting up a grouping of yellow lilies.

To the naked eye, it looked like something magical was behind the flowers, making them glow like gorgeous liquid gold. 

Now someone, I have no idea who, decided to plant lilies along a small strip in the supermarket parking lot.

So many people just walked or drove by them without even a single glance.

Luckily, my cell phone captured a little bit of their intense, sunny loveliness.



Linda O'Connell said...

I saw four bids atop my rose bush last night, adn this morning they are fully blossomed, big and beautiful. Lilies were my best friend's favorite flower.

Chatty Crone said...

I always try to stop and look for flowers or pretty things. It makes me slow down and think about how grateful I am. Went to Whole Foods and man do they have the most beautiful variety of flowers there. sandie

diane stetson said...

I have so many beautiful things to look at all year round where I live including flowers, sunsets, ocean views, lake views and so forth. The town I live in has flowers everywhere so when you drive down the street you see the blossoms on the trees and flowers..I love those yellow lilies...gorgeous.

Red Rose Alley said...

It's nice that you notice the small pleasures in life, Susan. And flowers are really the magic in our lives. Such a pretty yellow Lily. I used to have this same flower and color at our old home.

I'd have to say the last beautiful thing I saw outside was an amazing sunrise early one morning. : ) Have a blessed Sunday.

love, ~Sheri

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I LOVE how your caught the light through the petals! Such pretty lilies.

My mom's Peace Rose, which now lives at our house, is blooming again and setting out new buds. It's such a beauty and always keeps me wanting to see it again and again as the blossom colours change from yellow to pink as they open wider.

Wishing you a beautiful day...
Brenda xox

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