Thursday, February 28, 2019

Weeding Out Books Is Hard Work

In an effort to de-clutter, the time has come to give away some of the hundreds of books that line too many shelves in the living room library.

It is extremely difficult for me to part with books.

In a sense, they are friends, soulmates, and sources of wisdom, security, and love.

It is terribly hard to slip one off the shelves, hold it in my hands, and think, "This one is going."

But that, in essence, is what has been happening. 

Most will go back to the library for the huge sales the Friends of the Library sponsor so the books may go to new owners.

A few (hundred) books are making the cut.

Two volumes of "The Tightwad Gazette" by Amy Dacyczyn, a guru of frugality from the 1990s, remain.

I just loved reading these, (now old,)  volumes and even put some of the now retired author's suggestions  to use. 

Others were a bit too extreme.

Many more books will have to go but honestly, I wish someone else could do that task.



Red Rose Alley said...

I actually went through all the books a couple years ago, and gave many away, so I know how hard this is for you, Susan. I kept the treasured ones that I love, and mostly the hard cover books. I've found that even the book stores won't buy a lot of the books that we have, and only ones that they are able to sell. So much is on the internet now, but like you, I still find a book to be a valuable item. I wish you well in giving away your books, Susan, and let me know how it goes. : )


Chatty Crone said...

Do you remember we were going to move a few years ago - we got rid of everything - it killed us at first - BUT it turned out okay. lol

diane stetson said...

I've weeded out my books quite a while ago. I have photo albums in their place. Now I do not buy real books..just use my kindle.

Kit said...

I no longer buy books so I do not have very many. The only books I have kept are my Gladys Taber and the Little House books since I reread them. :) Kit

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