Sunday, April 7, 2019

Take Each Day As It Comes

 Here's hoping your day today is filled with sunshine and peace.

We had April snow in western Massachusetts this weekend but, thankfully, at least the sun came out.

Pretty soon the light layer of white stuff will disappear and be replaced by crocuses, then daffodils.

We all know that seasons come and seasons go.  

We cannot rush them along so we might as well just enjoy each day as it comes.

Yesterday when I came into the kitchen in the late afternoon, the sun was lighting up a bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table.

What a double shot of joy that was to behold.



Chatty Crone said...

I am heading to a meeting at church and now I have had a shot or two of joy myself. Gorgeous.

allisamazing said...

What a beautiful bouquet. Flowers always bring me joy 🙂

diane stetson said...

We are in the 80s today and tomorrow. BUT by Friday rain and much cooler temps are in store for us.
I have lots of joy when it is sunshine out...mostly every day here...I love going to aqua aerobics classes each morning in the sunshine...lots of joy going into the hot tub afterward too.

Linda O'Connell said...

Love those bunny place mats! Beauty is all around us. I teach the little boys to say, "Thank You Jesus for my eyes."

Red Rose Alley said...

Those bunny place mats are the cutest ever. And do I see a Carnation - one of my favorite flowers. I love their scent. April snow would be a sight. We've had lots of rain, so it's been cooler here, but there has been some warm days too. Spring will come soon enough, and it's so nice that you enjoy each season as it comes.


Laurel Wood said...

I love the sunlight on the flowers in your photos. You have jogged my mind of a sweet memory. My mother absolutely loved Christmas and even though she was legally blind, the two of us would decorate several Christmas trees each year. One day as I entered the room, a spot of sunshine was lighting up the Angel atop the tree.

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