Today is a new day of life!
In New England, if the sun pops out, everyone is happy.

Today is one of those days.
Intermittent sunshine, blue skies, fluffy white clouds, perky colored flowers, and cool temps are all reasons to smile.
Each day we are given, we have the opportunity to make the most of it.
Every new day is, after all, a very cherished and precious gift.
Not everyone will receive it!
Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, may your day be blessed.
Everyone makes their own happiness so it depends on the person and what makes them happy. I'm content with the place I live, the family I have nearby and my good health and hope it lasts a long time.
I have been keeping a grateful journal for about 30 years and it changes me!!
For me having purpose is so very important to my happiness. Doing something to inspire or make a difference is what I try to do each and every day.
I am happiest when I'm around my family, and sometimes just being alone in nature brings me joy. Spending quiet time in prayer does as well. Susan, how I wish I could visit New England - it sounds wonderful.....maybe someday.
Have a delightful week ahead.
love, ~Sheri
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