Sunday, October 6, 2019

Through Thick and Through Thin

On this most precious Sunday, may you find a sense of calmness and deep peace.

Despite the chaos of the world, it is possible to be in a place where all troubles are kept at bay.

No matter what is happening in our own lives, or in the lives of those we love, we can find joy by focusing inward and upward.

Even when raw emotion and emotional pain seem to fill one's spirit, comfort and solace are readily available. 

All through life, the beloved expression, "Eyes on the Rock,"  has touched my heart.

The "Rock," of course, is Almighty God. 

Only He can bring us peace that is not of this world. 

May your Sunday be blessed to the max.



Chatty Crone said...

Have your trees turned like that and lost their leaves already?

I find my peace by going to the ROCK!

diane stetson said...

Attending Mass and saying a daily rosary are ways I find peace.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I spent my day at home. It was overcast and a bit cooler. Almost seemed like fall. xo Laura

Red Rose Alley said...

This is a lovely Sunday post, Susan. You are right, only He can bring us peace that is not of this world.

Have a beautiful week ahead, dear friend.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Two ways I often find peace for my own heart and mind:

A verse in Isa 26 is my go-to verse when my heart is sorely agitated. As I grew up on the King James version, that's the way I remember it best: "Thou wilt keep him (her) in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee."

And I often remind myself of those words attributed to 17th century French mathematician and theologian Blaise Pascal: "In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart."

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, Susan.
Brenda xox

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Love seeing yellow leaves against a brilliant blue sky. Gorgeous photos. I find peace when walking. Still waiting for really nice weather. Daytime temps in the high 90s today that is an improvement but it's a bit humid, too. Have a good week.

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