Tuesday, November 19, 2019

In Between Time...

At this juncture in time, the house is in transition.

Each day, something changes.  

The figures in today's post make up a newly established little vignette in the upstairs bathroom. 

Cobalt blue glass in the great big pantry window came down and red and green glass put up.  Even the pantry gets little touches for upcoming Christmas!

Soon the amber glass in the kitchen will be washed and put away, too.

Boxes are going up into the attic while others are coming down.

Christmas is coming!

Each year, I start Christmas decorating in the two dollhouses that are in the dining room.  

This year, since Thanksgiving dinner will be at our daughter's house, there is no need to keep fall decor up.

So, little by little, Christmas decorations will be placed around the house and enjoyed throughout the entite season.



Chatty Crone said...

I have to say one thing Susan - it seems you do the putting away and getting out calmly and with patience. That is what we don't do here - we get the decorations out so fast!


looking good. all those festive christmas touches in your decor, put you in the mood for christmas spirit. love the pretty figurines. beautiful, just beautiful.

Linda O'Connell said...

You should be an interior decorator. You do have the touch! Take it easy. Stop by sometime. I miss you.

diane stetson said...

My Christmas things come out after the Thanksgiving holiday. I'll be away for Thanksgiving so when I get home I'll start getting ready for Christmas. I like to make out my Christmas cards early and put stamps and stickers on them before I mail them out the first couple weeks of December. Your decorations will be so nice for your grands to enjoy and company at your house.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, there's your glittery little girl with the pink coat. As you know, I have one in blue just like it. I can't wait to put her out. I love all your touches in the bathroom, and the words are so true on the wooden block. That gold mirror in your bathroom is gorgeous.


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