Friday, November 15, 2019

Thoughts of Christmas...

Okay, here comes an admission.

I am dying to start decorating for Christmas. 

It's one of the ways to eliminate the unpleasantness of things going on in the world.

To create a place of beauty, love, and peace in one's home, distracts one from the reality of wretchedness around us.

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind mixed with a nasty virus with faucet nose and roof-raising cough.

It has not been pleasant to feel sick.

Today, however, things are better.  

There was even a trip to the attic to retrieve some animated Christmas animals that the little ones who visit just love.

It's true that Thanksgiving isn't even here yet but to me, it's wonderful to stretch-out the seasons as long as possible. 

Usually, decorating begins in the dollhouses and, admittedly, they are beginning to look festive, indeed.



diane stetson said...

I’m not into Christmas until Thanksgiving is over. I’ll be flying to Denver for Thanksgiving and I’m very excited and happy for this trip. I love to travel.

Kit said...

So sorry you were so sick. Hope you feel better soon. If you feel like decorating, just do it! I will start once Thanksgiving is over. I'm still loving my fall colors. 😊 Kit

Chatty Crone said...

Kelly and I listen to this one particular Christian radio stations here - they said if you put your Christmas decorations up now - you will have more joy.

Can you believe Kelly put our tree up and decorated it already?

J O Y !

Thankful for Grace said...

I'm like Diane. I don't even begin decorating for christmas until after Thanksgiving. In fact, I wait until December 1st, so even if Thanksgiving is earlier in the month than it is this year, I won't be decorating in November. BUT, I will leave my decorations up the entire month of December AND January. So I get as much Christmas decor as you do. I just get it on the other end.

I'm so sorry you have been sick. Hope you feel well soon.

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I have been thinking the same thing. I want to decorate for Christmas, maybe because the family will all be here this weekend. Or maybe because I want to savor the season, like you. I'm sorry you had a virus, they are awful. Your little golden bear is too cute. And I love seeing all the snow babies when I visit your blog. My sister just loves them too.

Feel better, and maybe a little decorating would do your heart good. : )


Linda O'Connell said...

I decided to unpack my stuffed snowman collection and seeing them all over the living room brings me such joy, especially the animated ones. Hope you feel better.

Laurel Wood said...

Hi Susan, My late mother loved Christmas decorating. She had several Christmas trees and we would start decorating early so that she could enjoy them longer. She was visually impaired but we would take the time to let her hold each ornament before it went on the tree, so it was a slow process! I hope you are feeling better and yes, go ahead and decorate! Mildred

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