Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Many Gifts of Christmas

Soon, both big and small kids, will be ripping open carefully wrapped Christmas gifts.

The big season of anticipation and excitement will, once again, draw to a close.

The greatest presents are, of course, those not purchased in stores. 

The absolutely most important gift of all is the birth of the Blessed Baby Jesus in a manger, so long, long ago.

He, alone, gives us our greatest peace and freedom-from-worry.

He is the true reason for the season.

A much smaller but very important gift I received this Christmas is the hand-made tree, below, and at the top of this post.

One of my precious little grandchildren made this for me.

It is a gift that came straight from his little heart.  How priceless is that!

A gift given to myself many years ago is a poinsettia needlepoint pillow. 

Each year I pull it out of storage and it never fails to make me smile because so much work, from some unknown person, went into it.

It is an object of beauty.

Sitting last night on the couch, the lights of the Christmas tree twinkling in the dark, and the fire in the fireplace providing warm and exuding peace, I luxuriated in the presence of Christ.

What a baby king!  What tranquility He brings and what love!



diane stetson said...

Christmas...Christ's Mass. I am a believer. I love going and singing with the choir for Christmas eve and again on Christmas day. Jesus is the reason for the season.

Chatty Crone said...

Jesus and Family.
Don't you like the little gifts we get - they mean so much.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Love your poinsettia pillow. Oh my!

For me, the heart stopping meaning of Christmas is "Emmanuel, God with us." That is the glad tidings of great joy in my world.

Merry, merry Christmas, Susan!
Brenda xox

Red Rose Alley said...

Just wanted to come by and wish you a Merry Christmas, Susan. Such a treasured little tree that your grandchild made, as it was made with love by little creative hands.


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