Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Most Plesant Surprise

There are a couple of random plants in an upstairs home office.

Because of a series of circumstances,  it has been impossible to spend too much time there lately.

Imagine my surprise when I walked in and saw a sweet cyclamen in full bloom!

What a pleasant sight on a cold, winter day.

The poor little thing may even have been thirsty lately and she still managed to open lovely pink blossoms to the occasionally appearing sun.

Sometimes life brings pleasant surprises.  



Chatty Crone said...

Glad you had such a sweet surprise today!

diane stetson said...

Yes I have my poinsettia blooming outside on my patio which is four years old.
Love it. It is a red one.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a surprise to walk in your office and see the plant blooming. And such a pretty color. No, I don't have any indoor plants. But I'm glad yours is doing well and gave you a pleasant surprise on this cold Winter day. : )


SImple and Serene Living said...

That is a wonderful surprise. xo Laura

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Sometimes neglect forces the need to try a little harder. Your cyclamen was saying "look at me" ... how wonderful that you noticed and could enjoy its lovely blooms. I don't have indoor plants blooming, but am very much enjoying my balcony plants and all the winged visitors I've had this week.

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