Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Cutting Collections, Meow

Now that the new year is here, it's time to declutter and streamline our surroundings, right?
For much of my life, I've been on the lookout for items intended for some collections.  

Notice that word "some."  Having a streak of compulsive behavior means three are many collections in this house.
  It's almost impossible to give up a beloved collection.

One of my favorites, which I do NOT intend to give up, is a collection of colorful, adorable Indonesian cats.

They currently take up residence on the top of a filing cabinet but they'll soon be moved downstairs to a new shelf hubs put up!

The sweet and silent group of felines never, ever fails to make me smile.

Ohhhhhh, if only they could talk, they would tell me about what life was like in their native Indonesia and their trips to the United States.  



Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh I just love that kitty collection. So sweet and cute and adorable.

I don't do collections any more (not formally anyway). I still collect books, does that count? And I gather collections of pieces of pretty paper things, like floral postage stamps, and pictures I find appealing from calendars or magazines. That sort of thing.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead...hope your kitty collection likes its new shelf home.

Brenda xox

Chatty Crone said...

I do love your cats. Love the colors. I remember your Honey Cat. Maybe you need a new cat.

SImple and Serene Living said...

What cute cats. I love that they are so colorful. xo Laura

diane stetson said...

Oh my ...cats ….yet another of your many collections. I don't have any collections but I know you LOVE all of yours and will have a very hard time parting with not only the cats but many others.

nothoughtsnoprayersnonothing said...

Who knew cats could have so many expressions! I like the tigery looking one.

Linda O'Connell said...

My collections are mainly snowmen at Christmas and ceramic bunnies at Easter. Oh wait, I forgot my seashells and beach related collection the rest of the year. Looking at those sea items soothe me.
Those cats are cuties.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I have a collection of elephants and camels. But then again, I have many collections. Like hearts! :) Love the colorful kitties.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a delightful cat collection....and so colorful and cheerful for the new year. And coming from Indonesia makes them more unique and special. I am de-cluttering lately too, and it feels so good to give away some items that I no longer want or need. I have cut way down on my collections, but I have a collection of miniature itmes on my desk that make me smile when I look at them. And there's always the pretty tea cups that I can't resist. ; )


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