Friday, January 31, 2020

Greeting Cards and More

The gesture of sending a greeting card is one of loving kindness.

Whether it's for a birthday or anniversary, get well occasion or in time of death, a card is usually appreciated.

It shows that the person sending it is thoughtful.

The cards shown in the photo at the top of this post are for Valentine's Day.

Don't you just LOVE Valentine's Day?  I do!

All of these cards, however, did not arrive this year.   

I save cards from year-to-year.

Some people think that's nuts but not me.  

Greeting cards make great decorations and are almost guaranteed to make the recipients of them smile.



Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Really disappointed that the country I live in can't get their postal system act together. I do miss sending and receiving mail. Happy February!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

That's a lovely display of your Valentine's cards.

I have all the cards my hubby has given me over the years for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries. They are little gifts of love, aren't they? I don't look at them much but I like knowing they are all together in the pretty box. His cards from me are there too.

Linda O'Connell said...

When I was young, I was surprised to realize folks sent cards for holidays other than birthdays and Christmas. My friend from Boston made me aware of this, so I thought it was a New England thing. However, I have every card I have ever received. Love your display.

diane stetson said...

Yes I love getting cards and sending them. I just got nineteen cards for my recent birthday. Now I am addressing out Valentine cards which I will send out very soon.

Chatty Crone said...

I guess I am an odd duck. I am really not into mailing these days - trying to save money and feel I send my love over the 'net'. lol ♥

Thankful for Grace said...

I describe myself as "an avid card sender." I send cards pretty regularly, usually ten or more every single week. I don't think it is ever possible to have too many note/greeting cards. I buy unique ones from Etsy shops. I know postage is 55 cents nowadays, but I look at card sending as kind of my ministry.

Valentine's Day is pretty much overlooked in our family, as our daughter's birthday is the day before, and our anniversary is the day after.

Red Rose Alley said...

That's so nice that you kept all your cards, Susan. One day, I went through all of mine which were in a big box. There were lots of them, so I tossed most of them, but kept a few special ones. I still have the one you sent me. It's on my desk, and it makes me smile when I read it. : )


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