Friday, March 27, 2020

Bunnies, Sheep, and a Few Chickies

This is week #2 of being sequestered inside the house, to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

Granted, there is plenty to do so that boredom never has to be a visitor.

The treadmill is ready for use if anyone can get up the desire to walk on it.

Meals take on a little more importance than usual and thoughts of wishing someone else could cook them are plentiful.

Thank goodness for little things, like finding in the attic the plastic bin that houses bunnies, sheep, and a few chicks.

They have taken up residence on a downstairs bathroom counter.

They definitely bring smiles.

One little sheep has a heartbeat when her chest is pushed.

Then, she says, "I need a cuddle."

That one got sent home with my son-in-law.

I told him to tell the grandkids the little sheep was "Grammie."  

Boy, that message has never been more true.



Terra said...

I like your bunnies and how one is sent to the grands by grandma. One of my sons is coming today to bring me groceries and we will aim to sit on the front patio and chat. Six feet apart, but what fun for me since I am isolating at home for two weeks now.

diane stetson said...

Sitting in the sunshine as we've had several weeks of rain. That will be fun for me even though I'm in the house.

SImple and Serene Living said...

What an adorable collection. I'm waiting on some jigsaw puzzles to arrive today. They should be fun and keep me busy for awhile. xo Laura

Chatty Crone said...

Now this is a joke - the bunnies are adorable and make things better but they are not practicing social distancing! That would probably take up your whole house.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your stuffed animals must brighten your day when you look at them. Especially now, at this worrisome time with the virus going around. That little sheep is too cute. The other precious one looks like the Little Drummer Boy's friend. : ) The ceramic frames with sayings are special too.


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