Monday, March 30, 2020

Take Time

A new day arrived with a steady drizzle of chilly rain instead of sun.

There was no church service to go to because, as we all know, churches are closed due to you-know-what.

Still, the day is only partially gone and many small but good things have already happened.  

1. We are alive.

2. God is the same today as He was yesterday and will be tomorrow!

3. We had delicious coffee, eggs, rice, beans, and toast for breakfast.

4. We had a video call from our son who lives out-of-state.

5. We had phone messages from our daughter. She is offering to buy groceries for us so we don't have to go to a supermarket and get exposed to the virus.

6. The house has heat.

7. A friend called us to see how we were doing.

8. The daily newspaper was right at our doorstep, informing us of what is happening in the world.

And on and on.  See?  

All I had to do was take time to look around to find good things. There are many, many more.



Chatty Crone said...

Went to two churches on line.
Washed my car.
Love, sandie

SImple and Serene Living said...

So many small things to be grateful for. xo Laura

diane stetson said...

Daily sunshine where I live after three weeks of rain. A freezer full of food for weeks, video chats with my grands and adult children and spouses,
my huge supply of books on my kindle and baby grand piano which I play to uplift me.

Linda O'Connell said...

Sunshine, a visit form a baby bunny in the back yard, new daffodils to bring indoors, and a trip to Walmart to have our order on line groceries put into the car.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

So many blessings, big and small, on your list. A lovely way to keep our minds on what is still good in this world.

It's feeling very Februaryish around here. Snowing and cold. But we have spring bulbs blooming like crazy in the front window. So we are cheerful. Just had a lovely little visit with my mom. She told me our visit cheered her right up. That makes my heart happy.

Wishing you a beautiful day, Susan. Stay safe.
Brenda xox

Red Rose Alley said...

So nice of your daughter to offer to get you groceries. That's a big one, as it's really scary out there with all the people right now. I usually go very early when hardly no one is out. Yes, I miss receiving Communion at Mass, but you can watch Mass on the EWTN channel if you get it, Susan. Oh, the sun is shining right through the Cross and looks beautiful. : )


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