Friday, April 3, 2020

The Girls in White

To distract from the frightening and tragic news of what is happening all over the world with COVID-19, one can turn, even if for only a few minutes, to a favorite hobby.

One of mine is collecting dolls.

This week, I gathered a few beauties dressed completely in white and arranged them on a table near my bed.

Love looking at the little sweethearts.

It's nice to have a hobby that one loves.

In the meantime, another thing that can be done during our stay-at-home time, is to pray.

We can pray for all of those who have died from COVID-19 and their families, for those who will die today, and for doctors, nurses, certified nursing assistants, and all other medical personnel helping the stricken. 



diane stetson said...

Daily Mass online from my parish. My new Alexa monitor to keep up with any questions I have about anything including my favorite music stations and seeing my grandchildren and my baby grand piano. Enjoy your beautiful dolls.

Chatty Crone said...

I love the doll with the red hair sitting on the chair - very pretty.
Well I am trying to go upstairs for two hours then downstairs. lol
Trying to keep the house clean.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Your dolls are so sweet all dressed in white for spring. I'm just trying to stay upbeat. It is hard, but I think of all those who are on the front lines of this crisis and I feel blessed that I am safe in my cozy apartment. xo Laura

Linda O'Connell said...

Your dolls are pretty. My cousin in her 60s was diagnosed today with Covid 19 and is hospitalized with double pneumonia. It is a sad time. Prayers for all affected.

Walking the Bean said...

Love these! I collect a few myself. What kind of porcelain are these? Thx for sharing.

P.S. I started a garden this week for my my new hobby.


Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful hobby to distract yourself, Susan. Your dolls are sweet, and I love how you gathered the ones that were dressed in white. I love that little one standing on the ground. She's precious.


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