Saturday, April 4, 2020

Where Are The Birdies?

                                                                                           (Birds on the kitchen knick knack rack!)

Lots of birds used to fly into our backyard and partake of the two bird feeders we always kept filled with seeds.

Then, they abandoned ship, so to speak. I have absolutely no idea why they stopped coming. 

Recently, I even took the bigger birdfeeder down, threw away the unused seeds, and washed the whole thing out. 

It's filled again but nary a single feathered friend has flown in.  Sad but true.

Hubs received a really beautiful orchid.

Its lavender color is just lovely.  

It's on the front hall table and looks quite regal.



agatek said...

The birds don't come because it got warmer. They returned to the natural diet. But they will come back to you soon.
I wish you health.

Linda O'Connell said...

Ours have returned and have notified your birds! We are swarmed with all sizes and varieties. Sassy cat sits and looks out the window, but he's uninterested in the birds. He keeps an eye on the squirrels.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I do hope they come back soon and that new ones will find your feeder. What a gorgeous orchid. xo Laura

diane stetson said...

I do not have a bird feeder but I still have lots of birds including hummingbirds, morning doves, robins, sparrows, and the dreaded crows. I'm sure the birdies will be back when they get hungry. I love those orchids. Enjoy them.

Chatty Crone said...

Susan - I have no idea where they went. I bet they will come back. Patience.

Red Rose Alley said...

Not sure why, Susan. I have seen lots of birds out, especially when the weather is warmer. Maybe it's still too cold where you live? There is a baby bird that chirps early in the morning, and it is in one of the nearby trees, and it's so LOUD! Wakes me up sometimes haha. Don't worry, I'm sure the birds will visit soon. Your husband's orchid has the most stunning color. Yes, it looks regal. : )


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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