Friday, July 31, 2020

Providing Support for Climbing Plants

Morning Glories and Mandevilla plants are both climbers.

They put out tendrils that love to climb higher and higher.

A couple of months ago, I asked hubs if he could think of a way for the climbers to get from a shelf to the top of the porch.

A big space covered in greenery would make a lovely natural "curtain" on the back porch.

Hubs, who always tried to make my wishes come true, put strings up from side to side in a space on the back porch.

Sure enough, the Morning Glories and Mandevilla plants started to climb. And climb. And climb some more!

They look sooooo beautiful. It's like a curtain of greenery.

Sadly, my beloved hubs died on July 9th. 

 By the way, one of hub's favorite flowers was the orchid.
One on the back porch is blooming profusely.

When I look at the wall of greenery, thanks to his ingenuity in hanging the zigzag strings, it makes me smile and cry at the same time.

The plants and their string climbing wall are here. He is not.  

Sometimes life is hard.


diane stetson said...

Susan You will have many moments looking at things your beloved made and did for you around and outside your home. Memories are healing though so it is a good thing for you to see him and the many things he did. He was truly a wonderful husband and I know you miss him very much. The climbers are gorgeous and so is the orchid.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers ... beautiful . My heart aches for you here in the foothills of NE TENNESSEE.. Prayers from my heart , Devonia

ellen said...

You are still in my prayers. What a beautiful orchid. I believe that our loved ones give us signs that they are still with us. His love for you will never go away. God bless you.

Chatty Crone said...

Susan - I hope many things remind you of your husband and how he loved you and took such good care of you. GOOD MEMORIES are good - right?
The flowers are gorgeous.
He loved you so much.

Nellie said...

Those good memories will sustain you! Prayers continue for your strength and comfort!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh Susan. I've thought about you often and wondered how your husband was doing. I'm so very sorry to hear that he lost his battle. Sending you hugs and blessings of peace and comfort. Take care of yourself.

Laurel Wood said...

Your husband created such a gorgeous way for your flowers to climb. You two shared such a special love. I know the memories are often bittersweet.
I remember my dad’s trumpet plants were in full bloom the October day he passed away.

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