Thursday, August 6, 2020

Hope from the Veggies

When thoughts surface,  of how hard life is, and perhaps, at times, how dishonest humans can be, something comes along to restore faith in humanity.

Just the other day, a vegetable stand stood on the side of the road.

There were cucumbers, eggplant, squash, and tomatoes, all fresh from somebody's garden.

There was no middle man to pay, no masks to wear.

I pulled the car over to the side of the road and got out.

The owner had a simple box for payment and it was, apparently, on the honor system.

She/he didn't want pennies and let it be known that if that was all the buyer had, to just wait and pay  the next time.

A simple, handwritten sign showed the incredibly reasonable prices of the veggies.

Tomatoes were three for a dollar, as were cucumbers. There was only one lonely tomato left so I bought it, as well as two cukes.

The taste of the tomato later on, sandwiched inside a BLT,  was totally delicious.

The farm stand person, who obviously trusts people, restored my waning hope in mankind and that was extremely refreshing.



Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

In the middle of the muddle and dishonourable actions of some, there are still those who become the light in the darkness.

I'm imagining your BLT with that fresh sun ripened tomato. Mouth watering.

Sending heart hugs, Susan.
Brenda xox

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I love that people are able to still trust in the good and believe in the honor system. Really feeling that there's just so much happening each and every day that's truly depressing.

diane stetson said...

All sounds good to me. I love veggies from the garden and trusting people make me smile. Enjoy your bounty. I do not go to road side stands. I live in a city and there aren't any.

Chatty Crone said...

Well that farmer may want to rethink pennies and change with the shortage - sounds like real sweet people.
Okay - Georgia or where I live it would be hard to stop at a roadside place with the traffic. I would like to though.

ellen said...

We live on a lake in Michigan and are surrounded by countryside. We have gone to farm stands for years. One visit we might be short 50 cents. We make up for it the next time. It's so wonderful to have access to farm fresh vegetables. We look forward to it every year. My husband always leaves a tip. We want to support our farmers any way we can. We both grew up in the Detroit suburbs, so even after living here for 30 years, we still appreciate our life here so much! There are so many wonderful and generous people in the world. We just don't hear about them from the media. I don't watch or trust the news any more. Blessing to you.

Red Rose Alley said...

That's a nice little veggie stand, and the owner sounds like a good and honest man. The tomato and cucumbers look so fresh. There just isn't anything like homegrown tomatoes. I bet it was delicious on your BLT.

Thinking of you, Susan, and sending comforting thoughts to you tonight.


Linda O'Connell said...

Our tomatoes did not make it this year, but a neighbor is keeping us supplied. Nothing like fresh homegrown produce.

Laurel Wood said...

Over the years, I have visited similar veggie stands with the honor system. It is very refreshing, indeed.

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