Friday, December 4, 2020

Time Flies By...


Whether we want it to or not, time flies.

In these usually busy weeks before Christmas, it's always a kind of frenzy, but not this year.

With the pandemic, things have slowed down like a  halted freight train.

My beloved husband, my "forever love," is no longer here. 

He is celebrating Christmas on the other side of life.

 The house is pretty much decorated but there will be no major holiday gatherings here. Sad but true.

The usual welcoming of friends has slowed to almost nothing.

This will be a vastly changed Christmas.

But we can still keep our hearts happy and peaceful.

We can look forward to other holiday seasons that, hopefully, we will have in the future.

In the meantime, we can keep Christmas in our spirits, thoughts, and actions.



Linda O'Connell said...

It is the sweet little mementos like those pictured here that bring a little joy. I only wish I could share my little trinkets and treasures with my great grand babies. I feel like nine months of absence with only an intermittent visit has caused sadness for all of us.
This has to be one of the saddest holidays for you. Your beloved is smiling onyou, though.

diane stetson said...

I think the holidays have changed for the entire world not just you and I . No more gatherings and no more hugs and seeing people you love this year. It's a very strange year and I will be so glad when it is over and a vaccine is on the way to us all.

Red Rose Alley said...

Yes, this Christmas is different with the shopping, card giving, wrapping presents, running around, but I think it can be a more peaceful time. I was just thinking this morning that everyone is always in a rush. It's time to slow down. And your post is a gentle reminder, Susan. I love your small Christmas tree with the colored lights. You know, I've always had colored lights on my tree all these years. There's just something magical about them.


Nellie said...

We are more conscious about counting our blessings during this strange season. We just have to keep looking forward. Truly a different holiday time, but I’m still baking cookies.:-)

Kit said...

It is a quieter and more calmer holiday and I find I appreciate it all the more. I love having this time to really enjoy my home. Take care, Kit

My Tata's Cottage said...

We still see our children who live close by. Only one is out of state and it is hard not visiting face to face except on FaceTime. I feel we may not be able to celebrate future Christmases so this one is especially special to us. We go by the bible account of what is coming so I am excited and scared to see it unfold. The downfall of our country, is what truly saddens me. But I know Jesus will return for all believers. My mother would tell me, "Give it up to God". She would say "Pray than pray harder." I still listen to her words today :-)

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