Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Kitchen Angel

Who wouldn't love an angel who cooked in the kitchen?

Well, there is an angel in our kitchen who looks like she's cooking and tasting but the food isn't meant to be for humans.

The kitchen angel was a gift to me from a friend.

The angel is the creation of the famous artist Jim Shore.

Currently, she stands on a beaded Valentine heart in the middle of the kitchen table. 

The tablecloth has a pretty red and white design all along its sides.

This angel is called "Bless This Kitchen"  by Jim Shore (Heartwood Shore, 2006.)

She's very colorful and she's even tasting something she's made in a pot that she holds.

 There are several exact replicas of this exact angel for sale on eBay.

If only she could become real and start cooking around here.



Linda O'Connell said...

A kitchen angel, we could all use one. She is cute. Have a good week.

diane stetson said...

Never heard of him but I like your kitchen angel. I'd love help in the kitchen if she were real and I'm sure you would too. Very cute gift.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your kitchen angel is so cute. Yes, I've seen this design before. It's charming. She's perfect for the kitchen, as it looks like she's making something and trying it out. I love that red and white tablecloth. It's perfect for Valentine's Day. Is it that time already, oh my? Still unpacking, but gotta put some of my Valentine stuff out.

Have a sweet day, Susan.


Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Your angel is lovely. I really like anything decorative that has a mix of color and pattern. May we all be blessed with a sense of peace in the coming days.

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