Thursday, February 4, 2021

Crystal and Glass Make Useful Items

 Crystal and cut glass objects are very appealing.

They are slightly reminiscent of Victorian times, an era of history I find, in part, to be extremely alluring.

(Notice the reference to "in part."  I'd want nothing to do with big puffed out bows on the backs of floor-length dresses Yuck. Nor those contraptions that made a woman's waist look small. Dreadful.)

Storing staples, like rice, sugar, and flour in glass containers makes things look neat and efficient. 

 I just like the look of such containers, including the huge one for rice, shown below:

It's fun to re-purpose the crystal and glass objects, too.

For instance, a very beautiful cheese cover has served as the cover for butter for quite awhile now. It's sparkly and gorgeous.

Another things that's enjoyable is to scout through thrift stores for pretty accent dishes.


The red "butter" dish, for example, shown above, is perfect Valentine's Day as well as the Christmas holidays.

 Why have a plain candy dish when a beauty, like the one shown at the top of the post, can substitute just as well?

 The same goes for sugar bowls:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it has been said.



Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, your glass pieces are so pretty. I was noticing the first one, as I have one similar to that. And your glass jar that holds rice is really nice too. I love that red butter plate. Oh, you find the best things at the thrift stores. It's perfect for Valentine's Day. You're right, glass containers make everything look nicer.


*I think I would have liked living in the pioneer era. Those women amaze me, and I appreciate their simple way of life. : )

diane stetson said...

Beautiful pieces of glass and crystal Susan. I always thought I would like to live in the times of the Civil War....don't ask me why. I have no idea.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I do love the look of that red plate with the pretty glass topper. Unfortunately, everything here gets so grimy and never, ever looks that sparkly. I save and repurpose all kinds of glass containers and have way more than I know what to do with. :/

Kit said...

These are lovely! I would have loved to live in the Little House in the Prairie age. A simpler time. Stay safe. Kit 💕

Nellie said...

I would not want to live during the time when corsets were expected to be a part of a woman’s wardrobe! As I’m quite spoiled with modern conveniences, I’ve really no wish to put myself backwards in time to another era. I love using clear glass for storage of items in the kitchen. I have clear glass for flours, sugar, and cornmeal.

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