Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Winter's Back....

Winter is back.

Well, I guess it never really left yet. 

There were a couple of lovely, warmish days with brilliant sunshine and then, wham!  

We got more snow dumped on top of slush.

Anyway, spring will get here eventually, as it always does.

Things that always attracted my attention were French doors, outdoor lights, and rose arbors.

 A few years ago, my daughter, son-in-law, and I bought a rose arbor for my late hubs for 

his Father's Day present.  

It's adorned with clematis, morning glories, roses, and vines in the spring, summer, and fall, and white lights year-round.

The lighted arbor looks rather magical after a snow storm, through the enclosed side porch's French doors.


The little figure in the middle is a swinging frog. 

He's a very hardy fellow as he stays outside and swings to his heart's content in every season.



Laurel Wood said...

Hi Susan, I love your late husband’s rose arbor. It really is extra special in the snow with the warm glow of lights. I have the American flag in the front yard with lights. It is always special to see the flag flying in the breeZe with the solar lights. Enjoy your day. Mildred

Linda O'Connell said...

That is so pretty. Winter has to go though!

diane stetson said...

The arbor with the lights on looks lovely Susan. Nice touch for a winter's night. Spring will be there soon so hang in there. Since we do not have winter where I live per se I have no snow pictures to post like you do.

Red Rose Alley said...

Your arbor looks so magical in the snow with the white lights, Susan. I enjoyed seeing these pictures, and I always love seeing your snow. We had a second snowfall as well, so Winter is not quite over here. That swinging frog is delightful. I imagine the arbor and lights look beautiful especially at night when the lights are all lit up. That second picture with the lights and your French doors is so pretty.


Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Although we just got through a snow and ice storm - I still can see Spring peeking out :)

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