Sunday, March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday.

In the Catholic Church, everyone who attends Mass goes home with long palm fronds.

My late husband used to make them into crosses.

One cross, from last year, still hangs on the wall near the kitchen door.

To me, Palm Sunday is a kind of sad celebration because it marks the beginning of Holy Week.

During that week, we re-live the passion of Christ, ending in the horrific crucifixion on Good Friday.

But then, three days later, on Easter Sunday, we celebrate His rising from the dead. That day is one of great exultation and unparalleled joy.

Anyone who has not seen and would like to see,  the video of my sister, Diane's church's Easter concert, La Via Dolorosa,  you will find a link below.

 Her son, Allen, who is also my Godson, worked on the video, too.

They live in Southern California and that's where their church is located.

Both Mom and son did a magnificent job.

For me, it was a highlight of this year's entire Easter season.

If you listen to the concert and watch the video, try to see and hear it to the very end. 

It is a soul-touching event.



diane stetson said...

Thanks for the plug Susan. I hope it gets shared a hunddred fold.

Babs said...

Bawled from the first second. Truly a blessing. I am so grateful to have access to it.

Linda O'Connell said...

Thank you for the link. I will listen later today. This week brings to mind "Hope Springs Eternal."

Red Rose Alley said...

I miss receiving the palms on Palm Sunday. My family sometimes makes them into Crosses as well. One year, my son made his palm into a rose. It was so pretty. You will always remember your husband making a Cross out of the palm he received each year. And you will think of him with love. : )


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