Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Chocolate Chip (Yummy) Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies help make the bad moments of life better.


There's nothing like the scent of cookies baking in the oven to make the house smell divine.

It's a down-home, Mama-baking good stuff kind of fragrance.

 When I make chocolate chip cookies, they are left in the oven only 8 minutes.  


That leaves them soft and chewy, once they cool down.

They are a perfect part of an afternoon snack for grands. 

 We all know how much grands love chocolate chip cookies, right?



Red Rose Alley said...

Chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven is just cozy and nice, Susan. I usually bake them once a week. When I watched Mia every week living in So Cal, I used to bring her cookies all the time, and now whenever she sees me on Zoom, she says, "cookies." haha Your chocolate chip cookies look wonderful, Susan. I bet the grandchildren love them. : )


diane stetson said...

Oh my gosh I just baked some on Mother's day to give to my grands. They were gone in a couple of minutes. I did freeze some for the future visits though. I love them as they are my favorite cookie too. Yum

Laurel Wood said...

Nothing smells better than chocolate chip cookies baking. I can remember how starved I was when I got home from school. I know your grands appreciate the cookies. I miss hearing from you!

Linda O'Connell said...

They are like Lay's Potato Chips. Nobody can eat just one. I tend to overindulge.

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