Friday, July 9, 2021

A Lake, A Deck, Flowers, Snacks, Love It All!

 Imagine having a deck outside your living room door.

It overlooks a gorgeous lake.

 There are beautiful decorations on the deck as well as all through the nearby attached house.

That's daily life for a very dear cousin who, with her late husband, planned this lovely environment for retirement. They did a great job.

 Remember we visited her here?

Here are some more photos taken in her appealing home and on her deck.

 There are wreaths and floral arrangements. Don't be surprised when people go for a sniff test and find them artificial. Doesn't matter a smidge.

They are just beautiful and add a lot to the home.

Marianne is always a gracious hostess.  

 On the visit where photos were taken, she made hot crescent rolls and served them with apricot jam. Yummy.

I brought Dunkin Donuts coffees and an apple fritter and coffee roll.

It's not always easy being a hostess so when people tell you are a great one, believe them!  

This can be as simple as having a special touch in decorating and giving extra love to your guests.

My dear cousin definitely qualifies and visits to her and her awesome lakeside home are always memorable and special.



diane stetson said...

I would love it.

Nellie said...

There is something calming about being near the water. The view is gorgeous!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Definitely a lovely place to be. Apple fritter for me, please. ;)

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