Stepping out onto the porch recently, in western Massachusetts, something was spotted in the corner of my eye.
Inside a well in front of the cellar window was a black and white skunk. He/she must have fallen in by mistake during the night.
You never saw anyone retreat faster into their house as I did when discovering Skunky.
What followed were several hours making phone calls to different agencies, attempting to get help to remove the skunk.
Many people expressed concern but were unable to do anything to help.
The police referred me to the animal control officer. He said they work only with domesticated animals, not wild ones which, apparently, skunks are considered.
He gave me the name of another animal control officer in the area who agreed to come but would charge $200. WHAT???? Unfortunately, that was a fortune to me so I thanked him but told him forget about coming.
After many other phone calls, one to Berkshire Wildlife Services felt like striking gold. Dawn Collins, the head person there, referred me to Lori's Critter Rescue. It's a small, non-profit organization in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

To me, Lori was a miracle woman. She had a kind heart, an incredibly brave spirit, and a love for wild critters.
She referred to Skunky as "Mama" and let her know in a soft, gentle voice she was going to get her out of that hole.
She lowered the net down into the hole but never had to use the towel. Skunky, probably exhausted, hungry, and thirsty, climbed right into the net.
Lori carefully lowered it onto the grass. The last I saw of Skunky, she was waddling down our driveway.
How gratifying to realize there are still really terrific people in the world who care about saving a wild creature's life and helping a rather hysterical older woman who was at her wit's end.
Many thanks to Lori's Critter Rescue located at 69 Berkley Road in Pittsfield, MA 01201 No doubt they could use any donations anyone might like to send.
She didn't charge $200 for her services. Nope. She charged nothing. Not one cent. But her organization definitely deserved a donation and got one. I wish it could have been 10 times bigger.
In the meantime, Lori Johnson, brave woman that she is, wins "Woman of the Year" in my book and, I'm sure, in Skunky's who is very much alive thanks entirely to her.She was so kind to help a stranger and a critter in need.
Oh, it could have been a lot worse, Susan. And what a wonderful woman to come out and help like that. It's not every day that you get someone who cares about the wildlife so much that they attempt to rescue a skunk out of the cellar. Yikes. What a terrific story this was. : )
Oh my oh my....I bet you are grateful to Lori. She is a wonder and very brave. I sure wouldn't want to have her job. God bless her. Glad you got someone to help you.
Lucky little stinker. I would have hung a blanket over the edge and hoped the critter would have crawled out in its own. Thank goodness for the kind woman.
I loved your happy ending post today, Susan. So glad you finally connected with Lori who kindly rescued "Mama". My heart is happy as I'm sure yours is too.
Oh, how sweet!
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