Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Festival Reigns! Ole!

Attending festivals that highlight different cultures is one of life's most fun things to do.

This past weekend, we went to a Latino festival in Western Massachusetts and it was a great event.

 Seeing dances from different countries, with dancers dressed in native outfits, added greatly to the event.

Arts and crafts, jewelry, and clothing from countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and so on added color and variety to the festival.

Of course, food from different places tempted the taste buds.

The dancers shown in this post represented Mexico. It seemed like it was a dance of warriors against animal figures.

Hope you like the photos!



diane stetson said...

I attended the OCTOBERFEST at my church yesterday with Ompapa bands, and food from several different countries and games and rides for the children. It was a fun afternoon even though I didn't stay long. Very nice photos from the one you went to Susan.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Looks like a fun festival. Haven't been anywhere to see anything lately. And travel still difficult because of restrictions in different countries. I thought this year would be better, but now I'll have to pin my hopes on 2022. :/

Red Rose Alley said...

What a festive celebration. Everyone is dressed in their colorful and unique costumes. Love that pink headdress. I hope you had some Yummy food there. I would have loved browsing through the arts and crafts and jewelry section. What a fun day, Susan.


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