Saturday, October 23, 2021

Miniature Magic Town in Colorado Springs

While vacationing in Colorado this past summer, one of the most fascinating places visited was Magic Town in the Michael Garman Museum and Gallery in Colorado Springs.

It was a "3,000 square-foot miniature city filled with characters from the past 70 years, trick-lighting effects that can make entire rooms and alleyways transform right before your eyes, and holograms that tell their stories." (from a brochure at the musuem).

So many of his creations were there and included all kinds of characters in various setting. It was beyond fascinating!

Michael Garman, the artist who created Magic Town over a 40 year period, was at the museum,too. 

He was the man who single-handedly made the buildings and characters so skillfully displayed.

 What a thrill it was to personally meet the Texas native and artist who had created scenes depicting slices of his own life!

Sadly, he died on October 8, just two months after we met him.

You can read a lot more about him at

The rest of this post is picture heavy so no more writing!  Check out all the details of this incredible exhibit.  Enjoy. 

1 comment:

diane stetson said...

I've never seen anything like this. Gosh it must have been so exciting to view it and meet the artist . I loved your pictures. Hopefully I can see it someday too.

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