Wednesday, December 28, 2022

A Village in Miniature

Wouldn't you love to shrink down to two inches tall and walk through the village shown in this post?

It is set up in an entire room in my niece, Amy's house!

Her handy husband, Jeff, helped build shelves on which to arrange the buildings.

 What a village it is!

The streets are safe and it looks like a great place to live!

There are so many houses and other buildings to look at and imagine opening doors and walking in.

Hope you enjoy this little peek into the land of Lilliput!


diane stetson said...

I have seen other little villages in other houses but none as large a collection as this. WOW...great job Amy.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Wow very nice. Thanks for sharing

Linda O'Connell said...

One could get lost in imagination gazing at this village.

Red Rose Alley said...

What a wonderful village your niece has at her home. I've always wanted a village set up like this, but now my house is too small to put together something this grand. I like how all the little houses and buildings all light up in the village. So sweet, Susan.


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