Saturday, April 8, 2023

Adjusting to Changes


Part of celebrating Easter joy is decorating one's house with favorite seasonal objects.

Well, this Easter, there was no decorating by me because there is no longer a house.

 After many decades of decorating, almost everything owned is in a storage unit, awaiting a final housing destination.

While I missed setting out pastel colored bunnies, intricately beautiful wooden Polish and Ukrainian eggs, and lambie pies, I enjoyed seeing the decorations in my daughter's house.

She loves decorating for the holidays, too, and has lots of bunny village items along the fireplace mantel.

 There is always next year to count on as an opportunity to decorate, if granted the gift of life. 

 Hopefully, by then, the next living situation will be set and the Easter decorating frenzy will be joined once again.


1 comment:

diane stetson said...

I only have my Polish Easter Eggs, a bunny and a lamb and some other colorful eggs given to me by an Asian piano student. I have all out on my dining room table and in the living room on my coffee table. Your daughter has very cute decorations.

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