Sunday, April 16, 2023

At the Lake


 Every day there are dozens upon dozens of things for which to be thankful.

Developing the ability to find them is a good thing to do. 

Seeing the lake that is shown in the photo at the top of this post made me very thankful.

The gift of sight is so incredible that we should never, ever, ever take it for granted.

Recently I had a cataract removed from one eye which now makes seeing perfectly through both eyes the precious gift that it is.  

My heart overflows with gratitude. 

It was quiet at the lake, too, and the sun was getting ready to sink down into the horizon for the night.

Today, be cognizant of at least three things for which you feel gratitude.

It will make your heart feel so good.



Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, I'm so glad you can see better now that you had treatment done on your eye. Our eyesight is so important, and am blessed with it also. The lake is so pretty, especially at sunset. Yes, thankful for so many things. This lake looks very peaceful and I think I could just sit there for a long time gazing at the view.


diane stetson said...

Isn't nature so wonderful? I love my lake where I live too. I love the peace by the ocean and I love the sunshine. So many things to thank the Lord for. Good eyesight is such a blessing.

Linda O'Connell said...

So happy to hear this. That image makes me feel peaceful.

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