Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A Couple of Vacation Observations

Here are two vacation observations from days spent in  California and Colorado:

LOVED:  Sitting on a bench in southern California near the ocean. 

Being near the ocean is so refreshing and it's nice to see so many people having fun. 

DISLIKED:  Seeing a creepy snake on the side of the in a Colorado state park.  

Ol' Slithery gave me the chills.

Even if it were possible, there'd be no hiking there for me. Nope.

LOVED:  Having authentic Mexican cuisine for lunch at Cafe Rio in Denver. 

The food tasted so delicious but was really very  filling.

 In retrospect, I'd eat only half and take the rest home.

DISLIKED:  Keeping track of  driver's license, airline tickets, purse, and carry-on suitcase in two different airports.

I guess it's the possibility of losing one of the above that is nerve-racking.  

LOVED:  Having a complete and total change of scene to rejuvenate and lift up one's spirit.

DISLIKED: Having to say goodbye to loved ones in different states, not knowing when we'd meet again,  and facing reality upon return.


1 comment:

diane stetson said...

Well for one thing I would never take a hike in Colorado. I would NOT want to see a snake. I do not like hiking anywhere anyway at my age.
On vacation I just like to relax and enjoy the scenery and see friends and family.

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