Sunday, October 15, 2023

Remember This....



Many people, myself included, get so wrapped up in asking the Creator for things----blessings, help with problems, protection of loved ones, and so on----that we often forget to just say, "Thanks" to Him.

 It's important to do this year-round, every day, not just at Thanksgiving time.

Food when we are hungry, drinks when we are thirsty, cars that start right up and take us places, enough money to pay the bills, and on and on----these are things for which we can be deeply grateful.

Today, dear blog peeps, among a thousand other things, I am thankful for YOU!

You are the reason new posts are written and sent out there. 

You are the inspiration to take photographs and share them.

You are an amazing and deeply appreciated part of my life.



Red Rose Alley said...

I appreciate YOU also, Susan. I love this picture you shared, it's so Fall looking. Yes, it's important to say thank you for all the blessings God gives us. I see you put out some of your Amber glass! Oh, you're having so much fun decorating.....and it shows by your creative and decorative spaces.


Gloria said...

Thank YOU for all the lovely posts you share and the positive attitude that you share every time I visit. May God's blessing be upon you and yours.

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