Sunday, November 12, 2023

Look Around...



In this world, there is beauty all around us.

Unless we live in a terrible war zone, one has only to look for the lovely scenes.

 Going into a supermarket, recently, a very stunning floral piece could be seen as soon as one entered the door.

It made the usually routine trip to grocery store quite intriguing.

The piece was stunning.

It's like that wherever we go.

A flower, a particularly fluffy cloud, a roadside stand, and on and on-----all are worth a glance.

They make us realize how blessed we are to be alive. 


Red Rose Alley said...

What an interesting floral arrangement. It looks like Fall. I like how they put nuts in the glass vase, very creative. You're right, Susan, we need to notice the little things more, as it would surely bring smiles to our faces. At the dollar store that I go to sometimes, they have the neatest holiday displays on tables that are set up. It makes shopping there that more fun. : )


Anonymous said...

That is a stunning arrangement. Trader Joe’s has gorgeous floral arrangements where I live and I love shopping there just to look at them. Diane

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