Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Year, New Plans


It's hard to believe we are in a brand new year of life.

As the calendar pages flip by, year after year, like a huge wind is blowing them, each new day becomes extra special.

It's exciting, in a way, to think about the new year and all that can happen in it.

A daily reminder around here is going to be that one's attitude determines one's altitude.

It's easy to fall into the doldrums but it's equally easy to stay positive and staying positive can help keep us healthy.

Stress plays a huge role in one's health, that's for sure.

Shown in photos today is a visit to a dear friend's place for breakfast.

We whipped up pancakes with real maple syrup (perish the "fake" syrups after tasting real) and, of course, had fresh blueberries and raspberries as well as coffee.

Friends are precious gifts that we also must cherish.  Imagine what life would be like without them?

So, hopefully, today you will enjoy each moment, including those in which you are doing mundane tasks. 

New week of the new year, here we come!

1 comment:

diane stetson said...

That breakfast looks delicious. How nice to be invited to a friends for a chat and breakfast.

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