Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Stained "Glass" Loveliness



There are material things we buy or receive throughout our entire lives.

Some stay with us for a little while, then are given away, either to a friend or family member or a charitable organization.

In and out, come and go, and that's how it is with material things in our lives.

 Some items, however, move around with us from place to place and are maybe never given away.

Such is the case with a stained "glass" piece my artist sister, Barb, made for me.

 It looks a lot like the real thing but it's special paint she applied to a plastic piece that used to fit in the bathroom window of our beautiful front entrance Colonial home.

How I loved that house as well as the stained "glass" piece. 

 It came with me to one apartment after the house was sold, and now, to a small apartment in another town.

It's in a bedroom window and guess what?

I love the piece just as much today as when my sister gave it to me.

It's a keeper.



Shug said...

This glass is a beautiful piece of art and I'm sure that what makes it even more beautiful are the hands that made it. Looks like it is hanging in the perfect spot. Some things just mean so much to us because we know they are given with so much love. It would definitely be a keeper and I'm glad you have a special place for it now matter where you go.

Red Rose Alley said...

That is a really pretty stained glass window. I remember you sharing it before, and how special it was to you. You know how I love the red roses on it. Your sister did a nice job painting it. It's so pretty, Susan. There are a few things I can never part with either - too many to mention, but one is the musical carousel and music box the kids gave me, and one is the antique candle holders that belonged to my grandmother. And of course, there's the little house my son bought me at a garage sale when he was little. So many sweet memories.


diane stetson said...

Very pretty . I'm glad you kept it.

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