Thursday, September 26, 2024

Bye Bye Birthday


Our friends give us different experiences, different perspectives, and unique gifts of their own. 

Years ago, a very dear friend, Delores, who has since, sadly,  gone to the other side of life, told me how she celebrated her birthday.

She didn't save all the hoop-la for one day. Instead, she celebrated every single day of her birthday month.


Well, that sounded like a great idea and I have been doing the same thing every since!

Among the many small as well as fabulous celebrations and birthday remembrances this month, were two special dinners.

One was with my daughter and her family and the second was with three of my sisters. 

On both occasions, I ordered dessert which is something not frequently done.

The one at the top of the post is coconut flan! 

Shown below is melt-in-the-mouth creme brulee. 


Also, on both of those memorable evenings, waitresses sang Happy Birthday to me, candles were blown out, and many people in the restaurants clapped.    

Both occasions brought tears to my eyes.  It was so nice to be celebrated and it filled my heart with gratitude.

So, if you are interested in starting a new tradition in your own life, celebrate your birthday during the entire month of your birth!

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