Monday, September 23, 2024

Skeleton Vibes in the Powder Room

Part of the fun of going to a thrift store is wondering what special treasure might be found.

Because of now living in a very small apartment, any kind of purchase requires great discernment.

However, lo and behold, one of my last thrift store jaunts revealed the most adorable hand-painted, tin decoration.

Its tag had 69 cents on it.

There are three skeletons behind a little glass-fronted door, so it's just in time for the upcoming spook holiday.

It is painted the prettiest shade of dark blue with perky yellow and red dot flowers.

This little ditty looks absolutely adorable on the "room," or "bathroom" wall.  (I love calling a bathroom a powder room. It's much more pleasant sounding.)

Hey, for 69 cents, the decoration is bound to make visitors to the "powder room"  smile.

That, in itself, is a good reason for bringing the skeleton fellas home!

1 comment:

diane stetson said...

Oh Susan , you will never give up going to thrift stores and buying little things that make you happy. Good for you. Yes those skeletons are all ready for Halloween.

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