Monday, September 2, 2024

Thanks to All Who Fought for Justice in the Workplace

Today is Labor Day in the United States.

It's not exactly a holiday to celebrate with a great deal of fanfare and fireworks. Nope.

But it's a day to think and remember all the people who fought hard for more justice in the workplace. 

Their efforts have made life better for millions and millions of people.

There was a day when most people labored a minimum of 12 hours a day in often horrendous conditions.

Children were forced to work, too, under miserable conditions, and many had no childhoods what so or ever.

While things are far from perfect nowadays, at least they are better, thanks to all those souls who fought for better, more just, conditions.

Labor Day also commemorates the unofficial end of summer. Already the air is a tad cooler and most kids are back in school.

Whatever you do, and wherever you are, today you are wished peace and prosperity!



Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Today I’m planning to pay my bills and start decorating the house for Fall. That will bring me much pleasure as I welcome the Autumn season back into my home.

diane stetson said...

Today is a day of rest. No one should have to work today, although I know many people are still working. I'm retired now and so it's another normal day for me.

Shug said...

Good morning Susan. Oh how I love the yellow flowers. Your pictured brightened my morning. We have much to be thankful for in this Country. As crazy as it might seem, I am looking forward to cleaning house today. Our home is always busy on the weekends with family and friends, so many of my Monday's (Tuesday) this week are spent cleaning and picking up the house. Hope your day is a happy one.

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